Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Announcement : Ask Me A Question

Assalamualaikum...hi there,

I just wanna share some of the picture of GERAK GEMILANG Program for my form 3 students.
This gonna be part of their preparations toward PMR examination. Hope this tradition works!!

Enjoy some of the picture!

The corner. Everyday, selected students will take a question card and answer the question. Then, straight away checked by Mathematics teachers. That blue drawer consist of questions from different topics for each level.

The Book.
Mathematics Files corner. Picture taken from 3 Yale. hehehe

Until then, Bye

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Annoucement : Standardized Test 1, 2012

Assalamualaikum people,

Standardized Test 1, Semester 1, 2012
Topics : Indices. Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulae
Date : 20 February 2012
Time : refer to the timetable given
(20 Objective questions and 10 Subjective questions)
Just a reminder, your 1st battle for this year is around the corner. Please get yourself prepared so that you will get the best mark for this test. Please and please give me and show me your ability of your knowledge in Mathematics. The only one can change your attitude and your result  is YOU. So a lot of exercises and get familiarize to the questions especially in the Top 1 Standard and the quizzes. It may helps you a lot.

If you wanna make an appointment with me regarding those topics,
kindly contact my phone number 017.959.0058 or leave me a messages or notes on my table in Staff Room 1.

Until then, GOOD LUCK people. 
Love you all too bits
Teacher Ziha

The Beauty of Maths : Burj Dubai Constructions

Take a look at this video

Did you know that 'architect' should know how to apply Mathematics in their building and they must consider all the effects since if there any minor mistake would screw it all. Do you wanna be an architect???

Happy viewing

Announcement : Mentor-Mentee

Assalamualaikum people,

We already have a Mentor-Mentee session a couple of weeks ago. I'm so sorry for not uploaded the materials. For those who didn;t got it, just simply download the link below since quite a number of you were going to Kuala Lumpur isn't it? So please answer all the questions. Plus, the answers were given.

Link :
1. Mentor-Mentee 27Jan
2. Answer

Announcement : Kem Subjek

Assalamualaikum people,

Last Saturday, we already had 'KEM SUBJEK' that covered on topic Algebraic Formulae.
3 Cambridge had been conducted by Sir Baharom as well as 3 Harvard conducted by Madam Adibah.
I was like very very very happy and thanked to both of them for willing to help me to conduct your class while I was conducting 3 Yale. And surely you guys had been more understand about the topic since they are the senior teachers that have a lot of techniques, do you? If Yes, then Alhamdulillah..

By the way, for those who didn't got the 3 worksheets, you may click to the link below:

Link :
1. Kem Subjek 1
2. Pop Quiz
3. Kem Subjek 2

Until then, Assalamualaikum.

Revision for Standardized Test 1, 2012

Assaamualaikum people,
Please be noted that I've already uploaded the revision sheet on topic Algebraic Formulae.
I am gonna distribute it on our 3rd class, next week. But if you want to do it earlier, you are encouraged to do so. Download and do it before our class so that you can straight away ask me in the class about anything that you don't understand.

Link : Revision ST1 - Algebraic Formulae

Maths is FUN!
See ya!

Revision for Standardized Test 1, 2012

Assaamualaikum people,

Please be noted that I've already uploaded the revision sheet on topic Algebraic Expressions III.
I am going to distribute it during our 2nd class, next week. But if you want to do it earlier, you are encouraged to do so. Download and do it before our class so that you can straight away ask me during the class about anything that you don't understand.

Link : Revision ST1 - Algebraic Expressions III

Maths owh Maths!
I Love Maths!

Revision for Standardized Test 1, 2012

Assaamualaikum people,

Please be noted that I've already uploaded the revision sheet on topic Indices.
I am going to distribute it on our 1st class, next week. But if you want to do it earlier, you are encouraged to do so. Download and do it before our class so that you can straight away ask me in the class about anything that you don't understand.

Link : Revision ST1 - Indices

Maths is FUN!

Exercise : Algebraic Formulae

Assalamualaikum people,

I believe that you might be nervous and worried about you coming Standardized Test 1, do you?
So, i will help you by giving some exercises that hopefully may test you knowledge about Algebraic Formulae. 
I am sure that most of you still kind of blurr about the subject right? So please make this exercise as one of your pre-test. Hope it works!

Link :
1. Exercise : Algebraic Formulae
2. Answers

Until then, GOOD LUCK <3

Exercise : Algebraic Expressions III

Assalamualaikum people,

I believe that you might be nervous and worried about you coming Standardized Test 1, do you?
So, i will help you by giving some exercises that hopefully may test you knowledge about Algebraic Expressions III. 
I am sure that most of you still kind of blurr about the 'Repeated Division','I Got It' and 'Botol Kicap' and 'Kotak2' thingy right? So please make this exercise as one of your pre-test. Hope it works!

Link :
1. Exercise : Algebraic Expressions III
2. Answers 

Until then, bye bye <3

Excercises : Indices

Assalamualaikum people,

I believe that you might be nervous and worried about you coming Standardized Test 1, do you?
So, i will help you by giving some exercises that hopefully may test you knowledge about indices.
I am sure that most of you still kind of blurr about the Law of Indices right? So please make this exercise as one of your pre-test. Hope it works!

Link :
1. Exercise : Indices
2. Answers

Bye <3

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Notes : Algebraic Expressions III

Assalamualaikum people,
There must be some of you that happens to be lost in my lecture session. Here I've already provide some notes that might helps you to understand.

Algebraic Fractions - Addition
This is just like number fraction addition, but with symbols.
To add two fractions you must first find their common denominator. Then convert each to the new denominator and add the new numerators.
The common denominator is found by multiplying the two numerators together.
algebraic fractions #3
In this case, multiply the 3y by the 4x. This gives12xy.
Now convert each factor to a factor of 12xy by dividing the denominator of each into 12xy and multiplying the result by each numerator(2x,5y)
algebraic fractions #2
algebraic fracts 3a

Example #1
algebraic fraction addition eg1

Example #2
algebraic fraction addition eg2

Algebraic Fractions - Subtraction  
The method here is similar to addition, except the numerators(top terms) in the new fraction are subtracted.

Example #1
algebraic fractions subtraction eg1
Example #2
algebraic fraction subtraction eg2

Algebraic Fractions - Multiplication  
Simply multiply across the denominators and the numerators, keeping them separate. Cancel any terms where possible.

Example #1
algebraic fractions multiplication #1
Example #2
algebraic fractions multiplication #2

Algebraic Fractions - Division 
Simply invert the term you divide by(the 2nd term), and procede as for multiplication.

Example #1
algebraic fractions division #1
Example #2
algebraic fractions division #2

"Revisions help you to get a better result" - Teacher Ziha

Quiz 2 : Algebraic Expression III

Dear Form 3 students,

Please be noted that your previous Quiz 2 have been uploaded.
Kindly click and save the link below, so that you can revised it later on for Standardized Test 1.

Link : Quiz 2 - Algebraic Expression III

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Notes : Indices

Kindly click on the link below to download the recap about this topic.

Mind Map : Indices


3³ ('3 cubed' or '3 to the power of 3') and 5² ('5 squared' or 5 'to the power' of 2) are example of numbers in index form.
3³ = 3×3×3
2¹ = 2
2² = 2×2
2³ = 2×2×2
The ² and ³ are known as indices. Indices are useful (for example they allow us to represent numbers in standard form) and have a number of properties.


Laws of Indices

There are several rules for dividing and multiplying numbers written in index form. These properties only hold, however, when the same number is being raised to a certain power. For example, we cannot easily work out what 2³×5² is, whereas we can simplify 3²×3³ .



When we multiply together index numbers, we add the powers. So:
ya × yb = ya+b



x2 × x3 = x5
54 × 5-2 = 52 (because 4 + (-2) = 2)
But there is no easy way of calculating 54 × 33 because 5 and 3 aren't the same number!



When dividing index numbers, we subtract the power of the number we are dividing by from the power of the number being divided. So:
ya ÷ yb = ya - b



x2/x3 = x-1
72 ÷ 7-5 = 77



(ya)b = ya×b



(x2)3 = x6
(53)2 = 56

Further Index Properties

Anything to the power 0 is equal to 1. So 30 = 1, -8240 = 1 and x0 = 1.


Negative Indices

If you have a number raised to a negative power, this is equal to 1 divided by the number raised to the power made positive. In other words:
n-a = 1/na.



n-1 = 1/n.
3-2 = 1/32 = 1/9
(½)-3 = 23 = 8


Fractional Indices

A fractional power means that you have to take a root of the number. For example, 4½ means take the square root of 4 = 2. Similarly, x1/3 means take the cube root of x.
We can use the rule (ya)b = ya×b to simplify complicated index expressions.



(1/8)-1/3; = [(1/8)-1]1/3 = [8]1/3 = 2

p/s: please write the index notation in the correct way. It might confuse you as well as ME.  

Untill then,
Thanks for reading this entry.
Cicer Ziha

The Beauty of Maths : Origami

Origami is an ancient Japanese art of paper folding. In involves a series of folds made with precise lines and angles. 

By using a paper, you can create anything around you like animal, flower, furniture, love, cards and so on.

Did you know that creating origami object involves Mathematics???
Well to tell you the truth, it involves Line an Angles, Geometry, Intersecting Lines, Perpendicular Lines, Symmetry, Parallel Lines and much more.


Nice. isn't it?

How creative!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Quiz 1 : Indices

Dear Form 3 students,

Please be noted that your previous Quiz 1 have been uploaded.
Kindly click and save the link below, so that you can revised it later on for Standardized Test 1.

Link : Quiz 1 - Indices

Until then have a nice day people
Love, Cicer Ziha

Announcement : Quiz - Algebraic Expressions III

Attention to all form 3 Students,

The 2nd Quiz will be coming soon. The details are as follows :

Quiz : 2
Topic : Algebraic Expressions III
Date : According to your Mathematics teacher
Duration : 35 minutes
No of question : 8

Tips: Make sure that you've already remember all the methods that I've told u.
Such as 'I Got It', 'Botol Kicap' and any other methods of expansion and factorization.

GOOD LUCK people!

Cicer Ziha

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Announcement : Quiz -Indices

Attention to all form 3 Students,

The 1st Quiz for this year is around the corner. The details are as follows :

Quiz : 1
Topic : Indices
Date : According to your Mathematics teacher
Duration : 35 minutes
No of question : 8

Tips: Make sure that you've already remember all the formulae in The Law of Indices. 

GOOD LUCK people!

Cicer Ziha

Did You Know ? : Indices


Binary fission

An amoeba,  a micro-organism reproduces by a process called binary fission. During the process which takes less than an hour, an amoeba can replicate itself to produce two identical new amoebae. These two amoebae will turn reproduce four amoebae, and the process keep repeated on and on. 

Therefore, the size of amoeba population can grow very rapidly. The numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, ..... can be represented in the index notation as 

2ⁿ, where n = 0, 1, 2,3, 4, ....

So people, this is what INDICES is all about. 

Many formulae that we encounter in most applied problems involve the use of indices. In this chapter, we learn the concept of indices and the use of laws of indices to perform computations involving numbers as well as algebraic term.

But hey people, look at your body. It built up from trillion of cells isnt it? Did you know that cell is also undergo binary fission and see how great and healthy your body right now. So why dont you go and thanked your mom and dad for giving you birth to this wonderful world.

Wow, Mathematics is around us!

Until then, thank you people for visiting my tiny little blog. 
Cicer Ziha loves you <3 

Announcement : Ask Me A Question

 The poster

Attention to all my comelss Form 3 students,

Since MRSM Pontian had already launched GERAK GEMILANG 2012 program on 21st January 2012 which is right before your Chinese New Year Holiday, i decided to continue our tradition on helping out the 'special' students who you know, having problems in Mathematics.

 Its ASK ME A QUESTION program

Previously known as '1 Hari 1 Soalan'. 

The main purpose of this program is to make sure that students who are having problems in Mathematics that gave their teachers a not-so-good result in previous examination serve their right. By what, by answering mathematics question everyday. I repeat. EVERYDAY. Hope that you gonna get through all the question that might help you during the next examination. And hey, you gonna come and see me like EVERYDAY huh? owh yes you will.

Monday to Friday. Weekdays. 5 times per week. 20 times per months. 160 times per 8 month before sitting for PMR examination.

Will be started on 27th January 2012

So here you go. 17 of you. As listed below according to your class. Congratulations!


Each of you gonna get a special book, designed by yours truly teacher. ME. Hopefully you guys appreciate it yea. 

So anyway, all you need to do are :
1. Come to the Staff room 1 during recess (10.00-10.30 am) or after school hours (2.00-2.30pm).
2. There are a cute little drawer in blue colour, right on the left of the door.
3. Take a question card in that drawer and answer it in your book. (read: dont take the same question huh)
4. Finished. Show it to your teacher ( Me, Madam Nora or Madam Saliyah ) and explain clearly how did you get that answer. BTW you can go and see other Mathematics teacher as well.
5. And then, that particular teacher will sign on your book.
6. Settle? You can sign in the name list according to the date. 
7. Please come again tomorrow. Its compulsory okay.

"I always pray for you to change, people. Hope that you will." -Teacher Ziha

Thank you for your cooperation. 
100% A Mathematics 2012. 
Lets make it true people.